Apnea is a breathing cessation. One of the most known types is breathing cessation during sleep. In other words it’s a pause in breathing caused by airway becoming narrowed or completely blocked.
How Can I find out whether I have apnea?
It’s pretty easy to recognize this type of apnea by listening to a person breathing in his sleep. If snoring suddenly stops, followed by a pause and a further sharp gasp after which a person starts snoring even more actively. These are apnea symptoms.
This is a pattern of normal sleep. Phases naturally change one another while sleeping is smooth in general.
And this is a sleeping pattern with apnea syndrom. Phases of sleep are interrupted, brain is restless as it doesn’t have enough time to go into a deeper sleep states necessary for the balanced rest of the body, the structure of sleep is disrupted.
What is happening? Airways of this person are completely blocked causing hypoxia, the brain reacts to a lowered oxygen in the blood stream sending a wake up signal to the body that causes sleep fragmentation.
All that leads to feeling tired and frustrated in the morning, sleepy during the day, problems with concentration, chronic fatigue and drowsiness. All this is connected with a few factors.
First of all, this person is not getting enough sleep. The sleep itself is fitful and according to actual hours seems like it is a full 8-hour sleep but in fact it is not. Phases of awakened state shorten actual sleep to 5—6 hours or in some cases even less.
Second of all, deep sleep state is immensely beneficial and healing for our bodies. For instance, complete muscle relaxation, blood pressure decrease, certain hormone production as well as a full rest of all organs occur only in deep sleep state.
People with apnea statistically have excess weigh and often think that balancing their body weight to normal will automatically cure apnea. Its true that apnea is connected to excess weight but in some cases this plan might be very challenging because obesity may be connected with growth hormone dysfunction, one of the hormones in pituitary gland anterior lobe that is produced only in the deep sleep phase. One of its functions is decreasing deposits of subcutaneous fat as well as fat burning. Might seem like a trap: excess weight causes apnea while apnea causes excess weight.
And tons of consequences to follow, starting from heart failure or frequent bathroom visits caused by excessive natriuretic hormone production, to heartburn associated with negative intrathoracic pressure that occurs when lungs are attempting to expand and cause esophagus pressure to drop while food is being sucked up the esophagus. All these consequences are not dangerous however do reduce quality of life and lifespan thus their liquidation is hard to underestimate.
How playing deejeereedoo can cure apnea?
There are a few ways to cure apnea, from surgical to using electric currents in order to reinforce weak palate walls. But there are also less expensive and more enjoyable ways that are scientifically proven already, like playing deejeereedoo.
Researches from Zurich University (Horten Centre, University of Zurich, 8091, Switzerland) conducted a randomized controlled research in order to evaluate an effect of regular practice in playing deejeereedoo on an obstructive apnea syndrome and its symptoms.
And this is what they have discovered. Participants of this experiment practiced approximately 25 minutes a day, 6 days a week for about 4 months while the control group hasn’t. The quality of sleep of those who played the instrument noticeably increased while the apnea symptoms decreased greatly. Based on the results of this research, a conclusion has been made that regular practice of playing deejeereedoo can be an effective alternative for medical treatment of apnea syndrom. As a matter of fact, some participants of the experiment enjoyed their new practice to such an extent that they decided to play more time than required.
This method of treatment is recommended by US National Institute of Health and some clinics as well, for example The Mayo Clinic recommends it in their book “The Mayo Clinic Book of Home Remedies” (2010).
How does it work?
Playing deejeereedoo reinforces muscles on the back of the throat. They are weak and loose for many people and are not able to prevent airway blocking.
What kind of deejeereedoo you should choose for curing apnea?
Its better to choose those that are suitable for a beginner. First of all, it doesn’t have to be an expensive professional instrument but a standard drilled of a solid wood one. Second of all, pay attention to its music key. Music key E is optimal, key D is also possible but might be slightly more difficult. And key C will be rather challenging for learning. The level of difficulty depends on the back air pressure that is crucial for circular breath technique.
We have selected optimal instruments for you and highly recommend described technique in cases of apnea syndrome.
Deejeereedoo made of solid eucalyptus — this instrument is hand-made using method of drilling a durable, dense, fine wood with a beautiful texture that has a powerful vibration, light weight and a crisp sound.
Deejeereedoo “Fiber” 158 cm E key — beautiful sound and a very popular model. Suitable for beginners as well as for experienced players. Easy to play instrument with a crisp and strong sound.
AIf you can afford around $1000, then we recommend to purchase a professional authentic deejeereedoo made of Australian eucalyptus that will delight you with most powerful sound and variety of overtones. It’s hard to resist playing it over and over again. And as a natural consequence of prolonged and repetitive practice, your airway dysfunction will automatically disappear.
Another option would be Master deejeereedoo 150 cm, E key made of teak wood crafted by a well-known master Vladimir Pchel. The quality of this instrument is the finest.