Handpan drum for sale and hang drum for sale in Ethno-magic handpan drums online store!
Handpan drum for sale and hang drum for sale in Ethno-magic handpan drums online store!
You can find the ad “Handpan drum for sale” and buy hang drum directly from manufacturers at a low price. The difficulty lies in the fact that most of the producers have long waiting lists. Handpans from the main Russian manufacturer OVERTONE are available for sale in stores in Moscow and on our website. We give a guarantee for tuning up handpans for 3 years. When you buy a handpan in the Etnomagic shop, you get: meditative and surround sound and precisely tuned overtones, free shipping worldwide, and a nylon case of the best quality.
Handpan drum for sale in stock and under the order. You can order any key of the handpan you like and we will make it specially for you within a month. The OVERTON team professionally produces handpans of high quality and at a good price. Buying a handpan on our website is easy and simple. Musical instruments are available, perfectly tuned and waiting for you to click on the button “Handpan drum for sale”.