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didgeridoo price

Didgeridoo for beginners from solid wood mahogany 150 cm – ” The Traces of native”

280.00 $

Main note: D# – Wood: Mahogany –  Length: 150cm – Bell diameter:13cm – Inner diameter of the mouthpiece:3 cm – Weight: 2,8 kg – Cover/case: included – nylon highest quality, waterproof, shockproof  –   Free worldwide shipping by EMS AIR MAIL.(7-10 days)

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The didgeridoo is a magician with its own might! Listen to the didgeridoo when it talks to you! The didgeridoo’s magic sound will touch your heart and help you to remember your mission in this world. Learning the technique of continuous circular breathing, you will enter the eternal breath of the living art. Just go with the flow of your breath and recognize the endless change in the existence of the whole fragile body with its parts subtly touching each other. Let’s vibe here and now!

We guarantee you we produce the best quality didgeridoos on our didgeridoo shop.

So, you have decided to buy a didgeridoo. This didgeridoo is good for beginners players.

If you are only the beginner and want the didgeridoo to become your best friend, you need to buy a good instrument. You can buy such didgeridoos at our website.

Our artisan didgeridoos are made with great love and high knowledge of professional sound production. You can be sure after listening to it. Before buying a didgeridoo, you can feel the vibe and enter the resonance with the instrument by the photos and videos at our website. We made both the didgeridoos and the photos as well as we could. When you buy a didgeridoo for beginners at our website, be sure in:.

  1. High-quality wood processing. We pay special attention to mouthpiece flow as your mouth will have to interact with this part of the instrument. You also won’t have to doubt in junction safety of glued wood halves. The glue has passed the time and high pressure tests. In most didgeridoo instruments, the seam is practically invisible.
  2. Didgeridoo balance coming from high vibration resonance, ample loudness and bright vocalization.
  3. Covering by three layers of non-toxic polyurethane lacquer which prevents the instruments from cracks in the case of temperature leaps

Only the best instruments are made specially for you. Vibrate in a good manner, perform, develop, learn and create! Stay in the present moment, be totally beyond all words and thoughts! Just be the vibe! Be open to the inner rhythm! Go with the flow…

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